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Yin Xiaodong, president of CNTC, went to Norway to attend the ASSITEJ art congress successfully

Source:CNTC    Updated:2019-09-22    Hits:

At the invitation of Norway center of ASSITEJ (namely the Norway SFestival Organizing Committee), Yin Xiaodong, president of CNTC, etc. went to Kristiansand to attend the ASSITEJ art congress 2019 (namely the Norway SFestival) from September 1 to 9th, accompanied by the colleagues from Beijing Children's Art Theatre Co., Ltd., The Children’s Art Theatre of China Welfare Institute Xi’an Children’s Art Theatre. China.

During the meeting, he took part in the art exchange congress, workshops, seminars, etc., watched 16 childrens dramas from the five continents. He conducted in-depth exchanges discussions with well-known directors of children's festival artists from Denmark, Belgium, Germany, Russia, Britain, Norway, Hungary, Poland, Japan, South Korea other countries, and achieved several cooperation intention good results of the talks, which effectively promoted the cooperation mechanism of jointly setting up the International Children's Drama Union between China other countries.

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